Finally Losing It!!

21 Jun

So I kind of feel like I am going to curse myself by posting this. BUT, since starting Ideal Protein on June 9th, I have lost 8.2 pounds!!!!! The first five days I felt like I was going to pass out for sure. The sixth day I woke up and kind of felt normal again.  It is my goal to lose one more pound by the time I weigh in on Saturday, but whatever happens happens. I am already thrilled with the results. The last time I was at this weight I was pregnant with my first child. I have a box of clothes from before I was too pregnant to fit in normal people clothes and I have given myself til my birthday to fit into them or I am donating them. Normally this wouldn’t be an issue for me, but these are my all time favorite clothes. I also have a really hard time finding pants that fit me right because I am too tall for petites and just a little too short for regular pants. Plus, I have a big butt no matter how small the rest of me is. The pants in that box all fit me PERFECTLY. I think I only have 17 more pounds to go! 😀

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